Plateforme de suivi de santé non invasive dédiée entre autres au diabète

BOYDSense is developing a non-invasive health monitoring platform, starting with Diabetes. Our device named Lassie, like the dog of the series in the 80s, measures volatile organic compounds (VOCs) biomarkers in voir plus

BOYDSense is developing a non-invasive health monitoring platform, starting with Diabetes. Our device named Lassie, like the dog of the series in the 80s, measures volatile organic compounds (VOCs) biomarkers in exhaled breath.   Lassie will make it easier and painless for people with diabetes to monitor their blood glucose all through the day by simply breathing. The device will be affordable, gentle and non-invasive. Our latest performance data from interim data analysis are showing scientifically proven results.   Our mission is to democratize health-monitoring devices to improve people's lives. voir moins

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Moy. France 4,9
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Moy. France 7,3%
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Startup Création
FOODVISOR Juil. 2015
FEELAE Juil. 2016
MAELA Déc. 2014
E-FITBACK Sep. 2013
Fondateurs & team
Fondateur Âge École Diplôme Compétences
Bruno Thuillier
- - -
Fondateurs & Team
Bruno Thuillier Fondateur
4, rue Brindejonc des Moulinais , 31500 Toulouse
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